The Weatherby PA-459 Tactical shotgun

Weatherby PA-459 Tactical shotgun

In order to hydro drip my shotgun, I needed to take it appart. I would only ship the buttstock and forend to the printer. After searching for a while, I only found videos and sites that showed basic field stripping procedures, not the entire process.

This site is an attempt at fixing that.

Unloading and safety check

PA-459 chamber

Disassembly procedure

Unscrew magazine cap

Unscrew magazine cap

Pump and bolt

Removed bolt

Rotate bolt carrier

Removed bolt carrier

Removed butt pad

Removed rifle stock

Push pin

Removed trigger group

Parts to be printed

Parts to print

UPDATE: The parts were never printed. I could not find someone to do it in Canada, on gun parts (even if I would not have shipped the whole shotgun, only the specific parts). Buying a kit to do it myself is still available, but in the end, I did not get it printed.